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By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
My Bar exam story starts just like anyone else’s story. I signed up for the July Bar Exam, purchased a study aid, and prepared myself for the almost three monthlong process of studying. When I signed up, masks were not mandated, there was a toilet paper shortage, Tiger King was quickly becoming everyone’s favorite lock-down show to watch, and we all believed things would go back to normal in a month or so. It did not occur to me or anyone else that the Bar Exam would change –or that it even could change! I did not think that something as monumental as the Bar Exam could be affected by anything so I began studying like all lawyers have before me. In April 2020, the Pennsylvania Bar Association announced that the July 2020 exam would now be postponed to September 2020. Everyone who has taken the Bar knows that there is a rhythm and timing that comes with studying for the exam. Your time is used strategically, and your study schedule is designed to optimize the weeks leading up to your exam. Having to be told that the exam was postponed a few months threw a wrench into those carefully constructed plans. Never before had the Bar Exam been postponed. Regardless, I brushed it off and allowed myself to be comforted by the fact that I got two extra months to study. It’s not like they would postpone it again, right? In July 2020, the Pennsylvania Bar Association took it a step further –canceling all in-person examinations and switching to remote online exams in October 2020. We were all shocked. It was unbelievable that the Bar Exam could be postponed a second time, but even more unbelievable was that for the first time in its history, the Bar Exam would be administered remotely. The thought of taking the exam on my own from my own home had me racing with what-if scenarios. What if my wifi wasn’t strong enough? What if my family was home and was too loud? What if my computer randomly decided to catch fire or crash on exam day? What if a phone went off somewhere in my house and somebody thought it was mine? I did not want to be part of the first group to take the exam remotely–everything could go wrong, and there would be no one there to help me. I became even more anxious when a colleague of mine was scheduled to take the Florida Bar Exam in person, but two days before the exam it was postponed. My anxiety spiked. I could not imagine being within 48 hours of sitting for the exam that I had devoted months studying for only to be ripped from my grasp. I was also on edge because I was listening to my colleagues from Michigan explain the perils of their remote exams and all of the technological issued they faced. It did not seem fair. I had done everything right, followed all the advice, and studied everything that I was told to so I could get to this one exam. Being a lawyer was all I had ever wanted to be since I was 9 years old. While my elementary school friends wanted to be rock stars or princesses, I wanted to be the next Johnnie Cochran. I wanted to help people and give a voice to those who could not give one to themselves. I did not want to be a remote exam guinea pig. Each day of the exam brought its own struggles. The first day, none of my answers were uploading, which was problematic because they had given us strict instructions that answers had to be uploaded the same day. It was determined to be an exam-wide issue that all examinees were facing and eventually my answers were uploaded hours later. Crisis averted. I went into the second day of testing fairly confident since the only issue I had the day before was a delay in uploading answers. All of a sudden, tragedy struck. My laptop crashed SEVEN MINUTES BEFORE THE START TIME! I dropped to my knees. I frantically restarted my laptop and watched as nothing happened. It took ten minutes for it to restart and allow me to begin my exam. The last day of the exam seemed to run smooth. Either because I had experienced the worst that could happen in the exam (computer crash) or because by the third day everyone knew what to do. I did not have any technology issues, and my answers timely uploaded. I could not believe that I finally finished the first ever Pennsylvania remote Bar Exam. About two months after completing the Bar Exam, results were posted. I passed. I had achieved my biggest goal to date. I was finally becoming a lawyer. While my pandemic Bar Exam story differs from those in my profession who have taken this same road before 2020, it is satisfying to know that the hard work I put in to the years leading up to this one exam was all worth it. Nothing, not even a global pandemic, was going to stop me from achieving my dreams.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
The facts and circumstances of custody cases vary widely from family to family. Oftentimes, particularly when the dispute is between natural parents, parties are able to resolve a custody matter via an agreement without substantial court involvement. When the relationship between parents is particularly contentious, however, or third parties are participants(third parties being anyone that is not a natural parent), the issues involved can be more complex. They can also include cases of child dependency, which generally involve the child welfare agency taking custody of a child. While somewhat less common, private dependency petitions can also be filed by caregivers of a child or, in cases of teenagers with behavioral issues, by police familiar with the family and the child’s behavioral challenges. Even more rare are cases that make their way through both custody and dependency (juvenile) court. Each and every family has a different dynamic and unique needs, so it is not unusual to stumble upon novel issues from case to case. It reinforces the need to have an experienced and battle-tested attorney to confront any issue that might arise during the life of your custody case. Gaydos Law recently handled a custody case between a mother and maternal grandparents in which the grandparents had cared for the child for many years. While mother had occasional contact with the child over time, her struggles with addiction meant that involvement was sporadic. Still, mother filed many requests to modify the custody arrangement of the child remaining with the grandparents, seemingly with no intention of ever truly reunifying with the child. After many attempts to resolve the issue of custody with mother, and father sadly passing away, the grandparents took matters into their own hands and filed a private dependency petition. This triggered the involvement of the county child welfare agency. It was a bit of a long road to establishing true permanent living arrangements for the child, but after much deliberation on the totality of the family’s circumstances, mother agreed to terminate her parental right and allow the child to be adopted by his grandparents. One final twist likely had a lot to do with the parties agreeing to the overall outcome: the parties participated in adoption mediation. Mediation itself is generally the process of interested parties sitting down with a neutral “referee” to assist the parties in finding common ground and resolving a legal dispute. Adoption mediation, while somewhat infrequently utilized, is used to finalize a permanency plan for the child and it is assumed that if the parties are participating in adoption mediation, that the likely outcome is an open adoption. Briefly, an open adoption is one in which the adoptive parents agree to allow some contact with the child even after a parent’s rights are terminated. Here, this outcome provided the stability the child needed and the possibility that he might have a relationship with his mother in the future if he desires. Custody cases can be difficult to navigate without counsel who can competently guide you through the unfamiliar and often unanticipated circumstances that may arise. At Gaydos Law, our experience, compassion and determination to see your case through to the most favorable outcome possible set us apart from others. Our knowledgeable attorneys are ready to handle your custody case today.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
While much has been written about the economic difficulties facing tenants during this pandemic landscape, few people take the time to appreciate the challenges that face landlords who often struggle to feed their own families or pay mortgage and property taxes during an eviction moratorium. Unlike with residential and commercial tenants who may qualify for broad state and federal assistance, well-intentioned landlords may find themselves left in the cold. The attorneys at Gaydos Law have more than thirty years of experience in handling complex leasehold matters and have the knowledge and skills to help landlords navigate through the constantly evolving judicial policies and procedures. In one recent case, we were able to secure for our clients a judgment of possession of real property even though the majority of such cases had been delayed and rescheduled for “status conferences” consistent with a newly updated Allegheny County administrative order. These clients had not received any rental monies for nearly a year due to their understanding of the judicial stays on eviction, and our office was able to assist them in finally retaking their property. As the pandemic continues to change the way that the courts conduct business, it is vital that you engage with a legal team that can adapt to these circumstances and provide you with the results that you expect. Please contact us at (412) 678-7900 to see how our team may be able to help you. We recognize that every matter is different and prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes in future cases.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
Recently Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. scored a significant victory against a local ambulance transport company. Attorneys Joseph M. Gaydos, Jr. and Michael R. Potochny represented a 47 year old woman who was being transported via ambulance transport to an appointment with her physician when the ambulance driver/operator and the company were negligent in their actions. We found the driver acted in violation of the rules and regulations of the ambulance company. As a result of the numerous violations of the Defendant’s own rules the client had a slip and fall from the ambulance breaking her hip in the process. This case was heavily weighted with documentary evidence that was used to prove liability against the ambulance company. This was not a typical automobile accident, crash or collision. Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. utilized nationally recognized experts in transportation safety from New York City that are known because of their experience in identifying violations of industry standards as well as other factors that contributed to our client’s personal injury. We felt particularly strongly about this case because a person who is paying to a company to safely transport them certainly expects that the company would do so in the safest way possible. The attorneys at Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. also utilized various orthopedic physicians, surgeons, physiatrists and future care experts to make our client’s case. As always, Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. advanced the litigation costs on behalf of our client, which in this case exceeded $60,000.00. We have been representing injured people for over 30 years. Thousands of clients have been represented by Mr. Gaydos and he has recovered tens of millions of dollars for the injured victims that have trusted the care of their personal injury matter to Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. Call us to help you today at 412-678-7900 and ask for Attorney Joe Gaydos.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
At Gaydos Law, P.C. we understand the additional burdens and anxieties that these ever-changing times present for our clients and the community at large. Since the signs of the COVID-19 emergency have become more apparent, and particularly since Governor Wolf authorized the state-wide stay-at-home order, we have received numerous calls and emails from clients with a pressing, time sensitive need to get their estate plans in order. In times of crisis and uncertainty, it has become more necessary to make certain that our families are protected and that we have the appropriate contingencies in place. We are often asked how we can assist people in these matters when the stay-at-home order all but prohibits the traditional, in-person meetings that we have grown accustomed, and which require the physical presence of notaries public. As of April 2, 2020, the Department of State requested and received a temporary limited suspension of the Pennsylvania statute requiring in-person notarization to accommodate these concerns during our global crisis. Specifically, the suspension now allows for remote notarization of certain documents, including powers of attorney, self-executing wills, and advance health care directives. With the use of audio-video technologies that are available on our computers and other mobile devices, Gaydos Law, P.C.has the blueprint in place to comply with these evolving laws and to serve our community as it has done for more than thirty years. If these frightening times have provided you the spark to finally have your wills prepared or powers of attorney in place, Gaydos Law, P.C. has the resources and tools to ensure that your needs are met with the professional service that you expect. We offer package rates for customers who want to have their last wills, general durable powers of attorney, and advance health care directives prepared, and we will be honoring a significant discount for all essential, front-line workers who do not have the ability to work at-home through these trying times. Please contact us at (412) 678-7900 , or by email at,to discuss how we may best assist you through this process
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
As a personal injury law firm with a reputation for aggressive client advocacy, GG&A has received a great many inquiries from accident victims regarding how COVID-19 might affect the outcome of their legal claims. While the pandemic has dramatically altered the way we conduct our daily lives, it is important to remember that the value of any personal injury action is connected to the frequency and compliance with doctor-recommended treatment. Even with a stay-at-home order in place, you should not forego essential therapy and visits that will aid in your recovery, and we can assist you in working with your health care professionals to find alternative solutions so that you do not need to suffer gaps in your treatment. The professionals at GG&A understand that we are all in this together and we make ourselves available for no-cost remote consultations for all personal injury matters. Contact us at (412) 678-7900.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
Should I hire estate planning attorneys to prepare my will? In Pennsylvania, having your last will and testament prepared by experienced attorneys may be the most reasonable investment into your peace of mind. While the Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code outlines a plan for how your property should pass when you die without a will, the intestacy statute is silent on a number of critical considerations, including who may serve as guardian of your minor children. The seasoned attorneys at Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. recognize the most common pitfalls in estate planning and preparation, and are able to work with you to make certain that your loved ones are provided for according to your own terms. Can I prepare my own will? With respect to last wills, longstanding Pennsylvania law only requires that an instrument be written and signed by the decedent at its end, evidencing a reasonably certain declaration of intent. Although other important considerations exist (e.g. whether the instrument should be “self-proving” with the affidavits of two witnesses), testamentary intent is indispensable and the format is largely immaterial. For example, a valid will may be created on loose leaf paper so long as it shows testamentary intent and is signed at the end. While the requirements for creating a valid will are minimal, the decision to prepare your own estate planning documents is often perilous. The Pennsylvania Superior Court, in a memorandum decision, recently addressed whether a handwritten document, signed and dated by the decedent, should have been admitted to probate.1The document, which referred to itself as a will, indicated that it was to supersede all previous wills, and even contained specific bequests for friends and family. In determining whether the document had the requisite testamentary intent, the trial court looked at ambiguities in the document itself, including omissions and potentially missing pages. Even though the decedent had carefully stated her intention to dispose of certain property and revoke prior wills, the court found that the document was more likely handwritten preparatory notes. The Superior Court affirmed the trial court’s findings. While you certainly can prepare your own will it does not mean that you should. Apart from simply having an instrument that is valid for probate purposes, our attorneys can assist you in finding a global solution that addresses your unique needs and concerns. Contact us at (412) 678-7900 to discuss your options and schedule a consultation.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
Unfortunately Coronavirus is real and it is here to stay for the near future. At Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. (GG&A), we are complying with the Pennsylvania Governor’s Orders to shut down and shut in. From the beginning of this terrible situation, the attention at GG&A has been directed toward how do we do our part to help battle this virus? As importantly is the question, “How do we continue to service the current and future clients of GG&A by taking care of open files and creating a system that allows us to take care of our new cases and clients”? High on the list of goals for GG&A is to keep our lawyers and staff productive as our level of commitment to our employees would make a reduction of personnel or layoffs a last choice. Our lawyers and staff are talented and have developed relationships with our clients that allow them to call us for advice as easily and comfortably as calling a friend or family member. During this crisis, we want to make it clear that we are available to continue our services to you, offering advice and preparing the necessary documents to address your needs. How can we continue to handle your auto accident, divorce, visitation, support, estate planning, will preparation, estate administration or any other legal need in a way that ensures both our lawyers and staff and our clients remain safe? We have all of our employees connected to the office server and computer through state of the art, virtual private networks which allow the entire team at GG&A to continue to work on our clients’ matters in real time from the safety of their home. Additionally, we have replaced the telephone system at GG&A to a hosted cloud based telephone system that is seamless and acts as if each person was sitting at their individual office no matter where in the world they may be. Each of the above investments in technology assures that we can offer our clients the two most important qualities in providing legal services, access to information and the ability to communicate to the client. All of the technology is encrypted and safely allows business to be conducted without breaches of security and privacy. We will continue to handle your ongoing case in a responsible and professional manner. Your phone call to GG&A will be answered and you have access to the lawyer handling your matter. We are able to continue to create the documents needed to move your matter through completion and in the event that notary services are required, we can assist by providing curbside service. It is our aim to allow your legal matter to be handled as efficiently as possible without requiring you or our staff to physically be present at the office. Please allow us to continue to serve you during this time of apprehension and worry by giving us a call with your issues that may arise. Thank you for your loyalty to us in the past and as times and circumstances change, please know that GG&A continues to adapt so that we can provide professional convenient services to you. Your legal team at GG&A, where you get the “Attention you deserve, and the results you Expect!”
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
The law office of Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. has been retained to represent a victim who was terribly burned and disfigured after a vape battery suddenly exploded. There was no warning of the impending disaster and the battery caught fire while in the client’s pocket, burning through his clothing, skin on his thigh and almost to the bone. The burn injury victim was forced to endure skin grafts and continues to have an unsightly scar as a result of the personal injury accident. This type of case is called a products liability action and many of these cases have been filed against battery manufacturers because of the defective condition of the batteries. Because of the dangerous materials used in the battery, strict liability in this personal injury products liability action may become an issue. We will blog developments in this case as it moves ahead. If you, or someone you know, has had serious injury caused by a defective product or a product that has inadequate warnings or labeling, call Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. at 412-678-7900 for a free consultation.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
What rider doesn’t enjoy the warm air and sunshine that comes with riding a motorcycle in Western Pennsylvania during the Summer? Attorney Joe Gaydos has been a rider of motorcycles for over 45 years and has represented the victims of motorcycle accidents for 33 years. As a rider, Joe has been exposed to many incidents that have occurred because of another driver’s negligence. Left hand turns in front of an oncoming motorcycle is frequently the cause of horrific accidents. Over the decades of our law practice, we have handled personal injury motorcycle cases that have resulted in broken bones, lacerations, orthopedic injuries, brain injury, scarring and unfortunately death. We have received millions of dollars for our accident victims. Recently we have seen a surge in motorcycle accident cases which were caused by automobile driver negligence in rear ending stopped motorcycles. The common factor in these recent cases was that the riders did not have helmets on and they were stopped near the center line waiting to make a left hand turn. The auto drivers all claim they never saw the motorcycle. If you are the injured victim of a motorcycle crash call upon the years of legal experience that we have here at Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. If you have been injured because of another’s negligence, carelessness or lack of attention, call us today at 412-678-7900.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
The state-wide economic shutdown resulting from theCOVID-19 crisis has created a great deal of financial uncertainty for many Pennsylvania families. Now more than ever, it is important to make your child support and/or spousal support matters a priority. Typically, a support conference is scheduled within three to four weeks of a support complaint being filed, depending on the county, at which time the appropriate amount of monthly support is determined. While the courts are not currently operating under ordinary procedures and there may be some delay in conferences being scheduled, complaints for support can still be filed and amount due will be calculated from the date the complaint was filed. For example, if a support complaint is filed on April 20, but the support conference is not scheduled until May 31, Pennsylvania will calculate the amount of support due to the filing party from April 20going forward. The back-support owed or “arrears” can be paid in a lump sum by the payor immediately if they are financially capable, but in most cases, the payor will be ordered to pay a portion of the arrears each month until they are paid in full. So don’t wait until the courts are back in regular order to get your support complaint on file! You may be selling yourself short on the amount of support due to you. Providing for ourselves and our families is hard enough in these trying times. Every day that you wait is support that you lose. Let Gaydos, Gaydos & Associates, P.C. assist you with your support matters today. Call 412-678-7900 today.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
When it comes to your child’s right to a free public school education, having an experienced attorney who understands a school district’s responsibility is imperative. At Gaydos Law, P.C., we feel that all children, regardless of ability, have the right to access a free public education with the supports for them to be successful. In a system that might feel foreign to parents, and stacked against the student, it is necessary to have an advocate in your corner who understands the responsibilities that a school district has to provide the necessary supports for your child. Whether your child has needs that fall under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act (Section 504) or under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), schools are required to provide accommodations under both of these categories. From the initial request for evaluation to the enforcement of a 504 Plan or an Individual Educational Plan (IEP), our experienced education lawyer can help guide you through the process. Allow our firm to assist in obtaining the services and reasonable accommodations that your child with special mental or physical needs in entitled to. Even if your child has not qualified for a formal IEP, a school district is still required to provide additional support for any child with a diagnosed mental or physical challenge. Please call to schedule a consultation today.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 21, 2023
The National Trial Lawyers is pleased to announce that Joseph Gaydos of Gaydos Law, P.C. in White Oak has been selected as an NTL ‐ Civil Plaintiff ‐ Top 100 Trial Lawyer in the state of Pennsylvania. This honor is given to only the top 100 attorneys in each state or region for their superior skills, qualifications, and results as criminal defense or civil plaintiff lawyers. Membership into The National Trial Lawyers provides recognition to these distinguished attorneys, and provides essential legal news, information, networking, and continuing education to trial lawyers across the United States. The National Trial Lawyers congratulates Mr. Gaydos for demonstrating superior qualifications, leadership skills, knowledge, and success. By combining resources, power, and influence, The National Trial Lawyers Top 100 is dedicated to preserving and defending justice for all. To learn more about The National Trial Lawyers, please visit: .
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