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Case Studies

By Gaydos Law P.C. August 22, 2023
Attorney Michael Potochny represented a Plaintiff that was rear-ended on the Parkway East in Pittsburgh, PA, by a driver the Plaintiff contends was distracted by using a small hand held iPad device while driving. The Plaintiff suffered injuries in this car crash collision that resulted in an injured neck as well as a retinal detachment. Plaintiff had surgery to correct the eye injury that occurred in the accident. Damages that Attorney Potochny presented included pain and suffering connected to the soft tissue neck injury as well as the affects and after effects of the eye surgeries required to correct the damage to the eye. Lost wages were also presented as part of the damages suffered by the Plaintiff. Attorney Potochny also fashioned a claim for Bad Faith against the Plaintiff’s Underinsured Insurance carrier. The negligent driver paid money damages to the Plaintiff and after the case against the Plaintiff’s insurance company was filed and removed to the United States Federal District Court, the entire case settled for one-half of a Million Dollars ($500,000.00) Bring your accident case to Gaydos Law, P.C. We are experienced lawyers that will pursue your case even it requires litigation in State or Federal Court in order for you to receive the resolution you deserve. At Gaydos Law, P.C., you receive the “Attention you Deserve and the Results that you Expect”. Call today 412-678-7900.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 22, 2023
Our client drove out of her home driveway and onto the local access road, traveled a mere few hundred yards and was struck by an oncoming vehicle when it crossed the center line and came into her lane. The driver of the vehicle that caused her personal injury had dropped his cell phone on the floor of his vehicle and was looking down for it causing him to cross into her lane culminating in this car wreck. This automobile accident caused our client to suffer life threatening injuries that included a shattered pelvis, fractured legs, destroyed hips, fractures of the shoulder and hands. This head-on collision also caused fractures of nine ribs and compromised lungs. The client was hospitalized for over two months and is completing rehabilitation which has lasted several additional months. This case was valued by the attorneys at Gaydos Law, PC as being worth multiple millions of dollars in settlement value. Unfortunately, the tortfeasor (driver) who struck our client had a minimal policy and no assets from which to recover. The Gaydos Law PC personal injury lawyers examined all of the potential sources of coverage available to the client for her injuries suffered in this car crash. We learned that there were multiple underinsured motorist policies that may have been available to the client including several vehicle insurance policies covering household vehicles that were not connected to the vehicle in the accident. The car accident lawyers at Gaydos Law PC were able to recover the limits on every policy that was available which increased her settlement value recovering from $15,000.00 to a total of $245,000.00, over 16 times of that available from the responsible driver. Our lawyers also compromised the healthcare liens asserted by secondary health insurance putting extra net dollars into our client’s pocket. Unfortunately, bad things can happen because of the negligent behavior of others. Trust the lawyers at Gaydos Law PC to search every avenue to recover the most money possible for your injury. Let us review your case, call Gaydos Law, P.C. at 412-678-7900 or fill out our case form below.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 22, 2023
A woman who was in an assisted care facility required transportation to a doctor’s appointment. An ambulance service was called to transport her in a wheelchair van. Our client had difficulty walking because of a variety of factors and utilized a walker to assist her. Our client claimed the driver of the wheelchair van asked her to sit in the cab rather than be secured in the back utilizing the lift to enter the vehicle. She was attempting to climb into the front of the cab and fell backwards fracturing her hip. She had further complications requiring multiple surgeries. We utilized a nationally known transportation expert from New York City, a well-respected physiatrist, and a future care expert in this matter. The case settled at mediation for $1,350,000.00. If you have suffered a serious injury, let the professionals at Gaydos Law, P.C. recover the monies needed to rebuild your life. Call us at 412-678-7900 or fill out our case review form below.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 22, 2023
A young lady asked Gaydos Law, P.C. to represent her in a slip and fall accident that occurred in a Big Box Store parking lot. After a rain shower, our client slid on painted lines that were covered with oily residue. She broke her ankle in the fall and suffered RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy). We investigated the matter and found that the parking lot was not maintained consistent with the Big Box Store’s maintenance handbook. We had the paint used on the lines analyzed and found that it lacked the friction additives that prevented the lines from being slippery when wet. We also utilized satellite photography with images of the parking area where the fall occurred to show the large areas of oil staining in the parking lot that built up because of the lack of maintenance. Gaydos Law, P.C. was able to settle this case for $500,000.00. Prior to our involvement, the offer to settle was $2,500.00. Let us review your case, call Gaydos Law, P.C. at 412-678-7900 or fill out our case form below.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 22, 2023
A 45 year old woman consulted with us after firing one of the well-known personal injury firms in Pittsburgh. She worked in a mall and walked into a service hall where grease was spilled. She slipped on the grease and suffered a thoracic vertebrae compression fracture and other injuries that would not let her continue her employment. She showed us a letter from this well-known firm indicating that she should accept a $35,000.00 settlement offer from the mall for failure to maintain the floor surface. There was no mention of any other defendants participating in the settlement. We took the case and conducted discovery and investigations which revealed that two of the six food vendors in the food court had emptied their fryers on the morning of the accident. The grease storage facility location required transporting the grease through the hallway in question. We sued the mall along with the two food vendors and the case settled for $265,000.00 while picking a jury. At Gaydos Law, P.C., our experience and tenacity allows us to take that extra step to make sure we are satisfied that all who are negligent in your case pay what they owe for injuring you. We don’t settle for the easy money, you shouldn’t either. Call Gaydos Law P.C. to have your case reviewed even if other law firms have rejected your case. 412-678-7900 or fill out our case review form below.
By Gaydos Law P.C. August 22, 2023
Our client was driving his motorcycle in Johnstown, PA when an oncoming car turned left into his path, causing the car to be struck by our client. Our client suffered devastating injury to his leg. The lawyers at Gaydos Law, P.C. were able to resolve this left hand turn/right-of- way case for the limits of all available insurance policies. A settlement was made for the underinsured limits of $450,000.00 plus the $15,000.00 limits of the responsible party. This case could have justified as much as $1.8 million dollars had our client not endorsed a signdown of UM/UIM limits on his 9 household vehicle policies reducing coverage on each of the 9 policies to just $50,000 per policy. Originally, each of the policies carried liability limits of $200,000/$500,000 per incident. Unfortunately, our client executed a signdown. The recovery was $1,350,000 less than what it could have been if our client would not have executed the signdown UM/UIM coverages. If you have a serious injury, let the proven professionals at Gaydos Law, P.C. represent you in order to recover the most money that you can. If you are unsure how to handle issues regarding your auto insurance tort selection or underinsured or uninsured limits consult us so that we can review your policy and make recommendations before a serious automobile accident or motorcycle accident occurs.

Slip and Fall in Mall Hallway

A 45 year old woman consulted with us after firing one of the well-known personal injury firms in Pittsburgh.

She worked in a mall and walked into a service hall where grease was spilled. She slipped on the grease and suffered a thoracic vertebrae compression fracture and other injuries that would not let her continue her employment.  

She showed us a letter from this well-known firm indicating that she should accept a $35,000.00 settlement offer from the mall for failure to maintain the floor surface. There was no mention of any other defendants participating in the settlement.  

We took the case and conducted discovery and investigations which revealed that two of the six food vendors in the food court had emptied their fryers on the morning of the accident. The grease storage facility location required transporting the grease through the hallway in question. We sued the mall along with the two food vendors and the case settled for $265,000.00 while picking a jury.  

At Gaydos Law, P.C., our experience and tenacity allows us to take that extra step to make sure we are satisfied that all who are negligent in your case pay what they owe for injuring you. We don’t settle for the easy money, you shouldn’t either.  

Call Gaydos Law P.C. to have your case reviewed even if other law firms have rejected your case. 412-678-7900 or fill out our case review form. 

Parking Lot Slip and Fall

A young lady asked Gaydos Law, P.C. to represent her in a slip and fall accident that occurred in a Big Box Store parking lot. After a rain shower, our client slid on painted lines that were covered with oily residue. She broke her ankle in the fall and suffered RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy).

We investigated the matter and found that the parking lot was not maintained consistent with the Big Box Store’s maintenance handbook. We had the paint used on the lines analyzed and found that it lacked the friction additives that prevented the lines from being slippery when wet. We also utilized satellite photography with images of the parking area where the fall occurred to show the large areas of oil staining in the parking lot that built up because of the lack of maintenance. 

Gaydos Law, P.C. was able to settle this case for $500,000.00. Prior to our involvement, the offer to settle was $2,500.00.

Let us review your case, call Gaydos Law, P.C. at 412-678-7900 or fill out our case form.

Ambulance Transport Negligence

A woman who was in an assisted care facility required transportation to a doctor’s appointment. An ambulance service was called to transport her in a wheelchair van. Our client had difficulty walking because of a variety of factors and utilized a walker to assist her.

Our client claimed the driver of the wheelchair van asked her to sit in the cab rather than be secured in the back utilizing the lift to enter the vehicle. She was attempting to climb into the front of the cab and fell backwards fracturing her hip. She had further complications requiring multiple surgeries.  

We utilized a nationally known transportation expert from New York City, a well-respected physiatrist, and a future care expert in this matter. The case settled at mediation for $1,350,000.00. 

If you have suffered a serious injury, let the professionals at Gaydos Law, P.C. recover the monies needed to rebuild your life. Call us at 412-678-7900 or fill out our case review form. 


Importance of Competent Estate Plan Documents

Recently, our team was confronted with a situation where the named-agent of a general durable power of attorney was denied by the bank, and unable to serve on behalf of her mother, because the law firm that prepared the estate planning documents failed to comply with the requirements of Pennsylvania’s Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code. While a properly prepared power of attorney would have allowed for the coordination of treatment and care when it was needed the most, our client’s mother no longer had the capacity or ability to execute new documents. As is often the case, the value of a competently drafted estate plan cannot be overstated when guardianship becomes the only available remedy.

In this instance, the petitioner and proposed guardian was an out-of-state individual who nonetheless maintained regular contacts with her mother in Pennsylvania. Although the court is hesitant to appoint a guardian who resides outside the Commonwealth, we collaborated closely with court-appointed counsel and the next of kin to find a solution where the needs and best interests of the ward were front and center. Additionally, based upon our client’s compelling testimony regarding her efforts to aid in her mother’s finances for several years, the court agreed to waive the requirement for posting a surety bond.

We recognize that every matter is different and prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes in future cases.

Less than stellar credit-worthiness of a proposed guardian

When the need for guardianship arises, the loved one who may be most willing and best-suited to serve the ward’s interests will not always have the financial history or credit-worthiness necessary for posting a bond with the court. These cases often demand innovative solutions to complicated issues, and our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to negotiate outside the box guardianship orders that protect the interests of all necessary parties. 

In one recent case, we were able to satisfy the court that a proposed guardian, previously a bankruptcy debtor, had demonstrated the financial stability necessary to become limited guardian of the estate such that she could access monthly income for the ward’s best interests.

We recognize that every matter is different and prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes in future cases.

Importance of Competent Estate Plan Documents

Recently, our team was confronted with a situation where the named-agent of a general durable power of attorney was denied by the bank, and unable to serve on behalf of her mother, because the law firm that prepared the estate planning documents failed to comply with the requirements of Pennsylvania’s Probate, Estates and Fiduciaries Code. While a properly prepared power of attorney would have allowed for the coordination of treatment and care when it was needed the most, our client’s mother no longer had the capacity or ability to execute new documents. As is often the case, the value of a competently drafted estate plan cannot be overstated when guardianship becomes the only available remedy.

In this instance, the petitioner and proposed guardian was an out-of-state individual who nonetheless maintained regular contacts with her mother in Pennsylvania. Although the court is hesitant to appoint a guardian who resides outside the Commonwealth, we collaborated closely with court-appointed counsel and the next of kin to find a solution where the needs and best interests of the ward were front and center. Additionally, based upon our client’s compelling testimony regarding her efforts to aid in her mother’s finances for several years, the court agreed to waive the requirement for posting a surety bond.

We recognize that every matter is different and prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes in future cases.

Less than stellar credit-worthiness of a proposed guardian

When the need for guardianship arises, the loved one who may be most willing and best-suited to serve the ward’s interests will not always have the financial history or credit-worthiness necessary for posting a bond with the court. These cases often demand innovative solutions to complicated issues, and our attorneys have the knowledge and experience to negotiate outside the box guardianship orders that protect the interests of all necessary parties. 

In one recent case, we were able to satisfy the court that a proposed guardian, previously a bankruptcy debtor, had demonstrated the financial stability necessary to become limited guardian of the estate such that she could access monthly income for the ward’s best interests.

We recognize that every matter is different and prior results do not guarantee similar outcomes in future cases.

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